Varicella Zoster Virus

Preventive Care


The chickenpox vaccine (Varivax) is given to every child over 1 year old. If a peson receives the vaccine before age 13, then he or she only needs one dose. If a person receives the vaccine when he or she is older than 13, a second dose is needed 1 - 2 months later.If you have never had chickenpox or the vaccine, avoid contact with anyone who has chickenpox.To avoid spreading to others, children with chickenpox should be kept out of school or daycare until all of the blisters have scabbed over.

    If you have never had chickenpox, the chickenpox vaccine can reduce your risk of getting chickenpox and shingles. Even if you do get the disease, having had the vaccine reduces the risk of complications.The shingles vaccine (Zostavax) can reduce the risk of getting shingles among people who are over 60 and have had chickenpox. It doesn't completely ensure you won't get shingles, but if you do, having had the vaccine reduces the severity and the risk of postherpetic neuralgia.

By Anthony DeFillippo